Bridging the Gap: Pilates for Gender-Specific Health Issues

In the pursuit of a state of holistic well-being, we find that biological and physiological differences between genders can influence susceptibility, experience, and management of certain health conditions. It’s crucial to recognize and address these issues. Pilates offers an exceptional solution with its adaptable approach to overcome and manage these very important details. Here at Kore Gallery, we provide an inclusive and welcoming environment where everyone can explore the benefits of Pilates, tailoring it to their unique needs.

Pilates: An Adaptable and Inclusive Approach

Pilates, with its emphasis on core strengthening, posture improvement, and flexibility, provides a solid foundation to address a wide range of health issues. Its adaptability makes it particularly useful for dealing with specific gender health challenges, allowing adjustments and customizations to meet individual needs.

For Women: Strengthening and Flexibility

Pilates can be especially beneficial for women, helping to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, crucial for reproductive health and preventing incontinence. Specific exercises can also alleviate menstrual pain and discomfort during pregnancy, promoting a better postpartum recovery. During the transition to menopause, Pilates helps maintain bone density and combat muscle mass loss.

For Men: Stress Relief and Mobility Improvement

Men can benefit from Pilates exercises that focus on releasing tension, especially in common areas of stress like the back and shoulders. Core strengthening and mobility improvement contribute to injury prevention, particularly useful for men involved in intense physical activities or professions requiring physical effort.

For Non-Binary Individuals: A Space of Acceptance and Care

At Kore Gallery, we recognize the importance of offering a safe and welcoming space for people of all gender identities. Pilates, being a practice centered on the individual, can be a powerful way to explore and care for the body respectfully and welcomingly, helping each person connect with their own physical and mental well-being authentically.

Implementing Pilates in Your Health Journey

Consultation with Qualified Professionals

Before starting a Pilates program, it’s important to consult with qualified professionals who can provide guidance and specific adaptations. At Kore Gallery, our instructors are trained to work with a variety of health needs, ensuring that your Pilates program is safe, effective, and respectful of your personal experiences.

Development of a Customized Program

Based on your initial assessment, we will develop a personalized Pilates program focused on your specific health needs. This progressive program is designed to promote continuous improvements in your strength, flexibility, and overall well-being.

Ongoing Evaluation and Adjustments

Regular follow-ups with our instructors allow for continuous adjustments to your program, ensuring it remains aligned with your evolving needs and health objectives.

Pilates as a Path to Holistic Well-Being

At Kore Gallery, our commitment is to assist our clients on their journey to achieve holistic well-being, recognizing and addressing gender-specific health issues with compassion, knowledge, and care. Pilates offers a valuable tool on this journey, promoting health, balance, and strength for all, regardless of gender. We invite you to contact us and discover how Pilates can be integrated into your life, helping you overcome challenges and live with greater fullness and health.

The Science Behind Pilates: Understanding the Physiological Benefits

Pilates is much more than a mere practice; it’s an essential pillar of physical and mental well-being, standing the test of time. At Kore Gallery, our commitment is to offer a space where science and the practice of Pilates converge to promote the holistic health of our clients. In this text, we dive into the scientific underpinnings of Pilates, highlighting the physical and mental benefits this ancient technique provides.

The Physiological Pillars of Pilates

Core Strengthening and Stability

Central to the practice of Pilates is the strengthening of the core muscles, including the abdominal, back, pelvic floor, and gluteal muscles. These muscles act as a power center that supports the body in all its functions. Science confirms that a strengthened core significantly contributes to improved posture and stability, reducing the risk of injuries and enhancing performance in other physical activities.

Posture Improvement and Body Alignment

Pilates emphasizes body alignment and postural awareness. Studies show that regular practice can correct postural imbalances, reducing tension in critical areas, such as the spine, and decreasing the chances of developing chronic pains related to poor posture.

Flexibility and Joint Mobility

Contrary to what many may think, strength and flexibility are not mutually exclusive goals. Pilates works both harmoniously, promoting greater range of motion in the joints and improving muscle elasticity. This combination of flexibility with muscle strength contributes to more efficient movements and a reduction in injury risk.

The Respiratory Benefits of Pilates

Optimization of Respiratory Capacity

Pilates teaches techniques of deep and controlled breathing that not only facilitate the execution of exercises but also optimize respiratory capacity. Conscious breathing increases blood oxygenation, improves circulation, and aids in the elimination of toxins from the body.

Stress Reduction and Mental Health Improvement

The practice of Pilates has a significant impact on the nervous system, promoting a sense of calm and reducing stress levels. Conscious breathing, along with the concentration required during exercises, stimulates mental relaxation, contributing to better mental and emotional health.

Pilates and Cardiovascular Health

Although Pilates is often associated with musculoskeletal benefits, its contribution to cardiovascular health cannot be understated. The combination of strength exercises and breathing promotes cardiac efficiency, aiding in blood pressure regulation and preventing heart diseases.

Adaptation and Longevity

Pilates as an Adaptable Practice

One of the most valuable characteristics of Pilates is its adaptability. Regardless of age, fitness level, or the presence of specific health conditions, Pilates can be adjusted to meet individual needs, making it an inclusive and accessible practice for all.

Promoting Longevity

Pilates is not just about improving the quality of life in the present; it’s an investment in future health. Regular practice can slow down certain aspects of the aging process, promoting mobility, strength, and mental health well into older age.

Pilates at the Confluence of Science and Well-Being

In summary, Pilates is much more than a simple exercise – it’s a practice grounded in solid scientific principles, bringing profound benefits to both body and mind. At Kore Gallery, our purpose is to create an environment where science and practice unite to guide our clients on a journey of self-discovery and well-being. We invite you to explore with us the world of Pilates and experience the myriad benefits this ancient technique continues to offer in the pursuit of a healthier and more balanced life.

Pilates and Pregnancy: A Guide for Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy is a period filled with transformations, both in the body and in the mind. Pilates emerges as a beneficial practice to support women on this journey, offering balance and strengthening. Recommended before and after childbirth, at Kore Gallery, we are committed to helping new mothers regain their physical and emotional well-being postpartum through Pilates. Discover how this modality can be an essential ally during this unique time in a woman’s life!

Benefits of Pilates Before Childbirth

  • Core and Pelvic Floor Strengthening: Essential for supporting the baby’s weight and facilitating labor.
  • Back Pain Relief: Strengthening the back muscles helps alleviate tensions caused by changes in the center of gravity.
  • Preparation for Childbirth: The practice of breathing and the flexibility acquired can be extremely useful during labor.

The Importance of Pilates in the Postpartum Period

The postpartum phase is a time of adjustments and discoveries, where attention to the mother’s health is as crucial as that of the baby. It is during this period that we, at Kore Gallery, can assist you! Pilates, being a practice adaptable to various life stages, offers a workout designed to meet the needs of women in this phase, adhering to specific recovery and well-being recommendations.

Physical Recovery

After childbirth, the body undergoes a process of healing and adaptation. Pilates aids in this transition, offering:

  • Core Strengthening: After birth, it’s fundamental to re-establish core strength, rebalancing and stabilizing the body.
  • Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation: Pilates works on recovering this area, essential for urinary and reproductive health.
  • Posture Improvement: Adjusts and improves posture, often affected by the demands of motherhood, such as breastfeeding and carrying the baby.

Mental Well-Being

Mental well-being is a priority in the postpartum period. Pilates significantly contributes to:

  • Stress Reduction: Through breathing and concentration, it offers a moment of peace and inner connection.
  • Emotional Support: In a welcoming environment, mothers find a safe space to dedicate themselves to self-care, crucial in this phase of great changes.

Kore Gallery is committed to supporting women throughout the journey of motherhood, offering a workout that respects this recovery period and contributes to postpartum well-being. We recognize the strength and resilience of every mother and seek to provide Pilates training that not only meets their physical needs but also offers the necessary emotional support during this transformational phase. We invite all mothers to discover how Pilates can be integrated into their lives, promoting health, balance, and renewal.

Celebrating Diversity in Pilates: Stories of Transformation and Inclusivity

At Kore Gallery, we know the capacity of Pilates to transcend boundaries, offering a welcoming space where everyone is welcome. This practice, harmonizing body, mind, and spirit, has been a source of transformation for many, regardless of age, gender, ability, or cultural background. Celebrate with us the diversity within the Pilates universe, highlighting inspiring stories of transformation and inclusivity.

A Journey Shared Through Diverse Paths

Pilates knows no limits. It extends to touch the lives of people in different stages, facing unique challenges and pursuing varied goals. From athletes seeking performance enhancement to older individuals aiming to maintain mobility, Pilates offers a customizable approach that meets the needs of each individual.

Strengthening Bodies, Uniting Communities

The practice of Pilates at Kore Gallery has been a catalyst for building an inclusive and supportive community. Here, life stories intertwine amid deep breaths and precise movements, creating a rich tapestry of human experiences. Through Pilates, individuals from different backgrounds discover inner strength and the capacity for overcoming, while forming deep connections with others.

Stories of Transformation Through Pilates

Overcoming Physical Barriers

One of the most inspiring stories is that of James, an accident survivor who saw in Pilates not just a form of physical rehabilitation but also a rebirth of his willpower. Through regular sessions, James not only regained his mobility but also his confidence, demonstrating the incredible recovery capacity of the human body.

Finding Balance Amidst Turmoil

Emily, a high-level executive, found in Pilates an escape from the demands of the corporate world. The classes became her sacred refuge, where she could set aside stress and rediscover her center. For Emily, Pilates is not just exercise, but a mindfulness practice that restores her inner peace and emotional balance.

Celebrating Age Diversity

The story of Margaret, aged 70, illustrates the universality of Pilates. Starting the practice after retirement, Margaret discovered a new passion that gave her more energy, flexibility, and a new community of friends. Her journey is a powerful testimony that it’s never too late to start and that Pilates serves all ages.

Promoting Inclusivity in Pilates

At Kore Gallery, we understand that the true beauty of Pilates lies in its ability to be adapted and personalized for each practitioner. Our commitment to inclusivity means offering classes that respect and celebrate differences, ensuring that every person feels valued and welcomed.

A Personalized Approach

Recognizing that each body is unique, our instructors are trained to create programs that respect the physical limitations, personal challenges, and goals of each individual. This attention to detail ensures that everyone can fully participate and benefit from the practice of Pilates.

Building a Supportive Community

Beyond classes, Kore Gallery promotes events and workshops aimed at strengthening our Pilates community, encouraging the exchange of experiences and mutual support. We believe that, together, we can create an environment where personal transformation is celebrated and every journey is valued.

An Invitation to Transformation

Diversity enriches our Pilates practice at Kore Gallery, bringing new perspectives, challenges, and joys. We invite you, regardless of where you come from or what stories you bring, to join us on this journey of transformation. In Pilates, we find common ground – a space where diversity is celebrated, and transformation is possible for everyone.

Kore Gallery is open to welcoming each new story, each new challenge. Contact us to learn more about how you can begin your Pilates journey with us, and together, we can discover the unlimited potential that lies in the union of our diversities.

Best Pilates machine

Best Pilates machine

Looking for a gym that has the best Pilates machine for your workouts? Kore Gallery is a Pilates studio that has been working since 2018, so over the years we have invested in the best Pilates machine for our clients.

The Pilates accessories used in classes have the function of both helping beginner clients to perform the exercises as well as challenging and increasing the difficulty for clients at an intermediate or advanced level. By the way, we have more dynamic classes using the best Pilates machine.

Today, we have a huge variety of Pilates accessories that can be used, allowing us to always innovate in classes and keep clients engaged.

For example, our reformer is our best Pilates machine, which allows the execution of resistance exercises, conducting an exact work of alignment of the force center.

The reformer is our best Pilates machine as it can be easily adapted to all types of clients. Our instructors are always prepared and available to welcome people of different fitness levels and create a personalized training.

Kore Gallery has a creative, fun and motivating space and, with the help of our best Pilates machine, we guarantee many benefits for your body and mind, such as increased endurance.

Pilates exercises performed on our best Pilates machine are also suitable for postural problems, to improve flexibility and help control your weight.

As we have the best Pilates machine, we also have accessories that complement training, such as balls, discs, bands and many others, which are used to maximize results and make your workouts more dynamic.

For example, Pilates balls can be considered as one of the best Pilates machine, as the item can be used for general warm-up at the beginning of class, for joint mobilization, gain in range of motion, stretching and muscle strengthening and also help a lot in stimulating balance.

We have the new and innovatively designed best Pilates machine that match our most modern environment. Come visit us!

We offer a variety of fitness classes on our best Pilates machine with different Pilates gym equipment, such as the Pilates magic circle classes, Pilates softball classes, Pilates jumpboard classes and resistance bands workouts.

The good news about us is that we offer classes every day, Monday to Sunday, and we have more classes available to you than any other, offering more flexibility and fun.

We believe everyone should have access to our best Pilates machine. So, don’t waste your time! Pilates exercises has been proven to realign our bodies and prevent injuries, as it involves low impact workouts through natural movements that target specific muscles, benefiting people of all ages and fitness levels.

Keeping your body moving is essential for a healthy life! We proud ourselves of making our workout more fun and promise to make you leave our studio less stressed after the exercises on our best Pilates machine. Don’t worry! Our teacher will look after your body, avoid injuries and increase energy levels with a great soundtrack!

Pilates exercise routine

Pilates exercise routine

Do you want to get the benefits of a Pilates exercise routine? Come visit the Kore Gallery to improve the quality of your life to perform your activities with more lightness and less stress.

Relaxation, flexibility, injury prevention, physical conditioning, more disposition… all are the benefits of a Pilates exercise routine.

The Pilates exercise routine helps to strengthen the muscles and is even indicated in the rehabilitation of injuries and in the treatment of problems in the spine or other areas of the body. It is possible to practice in gyms and specialized spaces, as well as physiotherapy centers for some cases. However, a Pilates exercise routine need to be created according to the practitioner’s problem or need.

Working since 2018, Kore Gallery is recognized for offering complete lesson plans for you who want to start feeling the benefits of the Pilates exercise routine. We have a great studio, with modern equipment and accessories so that you can perform the exercises of your Pilates exercise routine and have a lighter and less stressful life.

Our Pilates instructors are highly qualified and experienced to design a Pilates exercise routine according to your fitness level. Therefore, it is important to say that when you start our Pilates exercise routine, we guarantee many benefits for your physical and mental health.

For example, our Pilates exercise routine tones the muscles and reduces pain from chronic diseases, because Pilates works the muscles in an integral way and provides more body awareness.

Pilates also helps to correct posture, preventing muscle pain in the lower back, neck and shoulders, as well as alleviating the discomfort of those who work with repetitive movements and joint pain. Diseases such as scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis or herniated disc have their effects mitigated with a Pilates exercise routine.

Healthy body, healthy mind: besides providing more physical conditioning, Pilates exercise routine also helps to get you more mental awareness – which, consequently, improves the body’s performance during the activity. Our teachers include in your Pilates exercise routine some breathing, stretching and body relaxation techniques.

Cases of emotional disturbances, such as anxiety disorder and depression, also receive positive effects with a Pilates exercise routine.

We are a contemporary reformer Pilates studio that focus our Pilates exercise routine on alignment, posture, mobility all with a great music and a lot of laughter. We proud ourselves of making our workout more fun and promise to make you leave less stressed.

We offer a variety of Pilates exercise routine on the reformer with different Pilates gym equipment, such as the Pilates magic circle classes, Pilates softball classes, Pilates jumpboard classes and resistance bands workouts.

Come visit our studio right now! We created a friendly, fun and inspiring space. Here, you take care of all aspects of your health and it’s a new opportunity to make new friends. We are prepared and always available to welcome all people, without any kind of prejudice and shame.

Come to a class is just the beginning of a healthy life and enjoying Pilates exercise routine. We are waiting for you!

Personal Pilates

Personal Pilates

Are you looking for personal Pilates class? Come visit the Kore Gallery and be surprised by our pleasant and motivating studio.

If you are committed to your health and evolution, then having a personal Pilates technically oriented professional for your physical activities should be your priority.

The personal Pilates exercises stimulate the whole body and it can be performed by people of all ages, physical types and with different needs, aiming the increasing mobility, flexibility, strength and muscle tone. Therefore, the activity is recognized as a complete technique.

Most of our personal Pilates’s clients come to our studio due to a posture problem, which can cause pain and injuries. So, our exercises focus on the muscles in the center of the body (better known as the core).

Stretching and flexibility exercises also educate the spine on the best posture. Thus, the natural curves of the spine are protected, which can improve posture and reduce back pain.

We offer a variety of fitness classes on the reformer with different Pilates gym equipment, such as the Pilates magic circle classes, Pilates softball classes, Pilates jumpboard classes and resistance bands workouts.

All our classes are open to all levels, meaning that we provide a variety of instructions, from more advanced Pilates lovers to begginers, making our classes more inclusive to any age and any body type. Kore Gallery also offers private Pilates with personal Pilates sessions 1-2-1 and 1-2-2, for clients that require more attention due to their injuries or health conditions, but also to clients that want to develop specific muscle groups or are training for competitions, such as tennis, golf, cycling, swimming, marathon, triathlon, and other sports.

Our personal Pilates training sessions include a specific client’s plan with moves on the reformer and if needed, use of weights.

Our personal Pilates trainer guarantees fun and much more productive classes because we have a complete space, with modern equipment and new accessories for you to perform all exercises efficiently. We created a space where all clients feel welcomed and accepted, without any kind of prejudice.

Our personal Pilates’s mission is to teach the method and provide a lighter and healthier lifestyle for all clients to live happier and less stressed. Here, we take care of each client in a unique way. Be sure that you are always welcome and our personal Pilates are ready to create a personalized workout for you, based on your routine and needs.

It’s worth saying that we offer classes every day, Monday to Sunday, and we have more personal Pilates classes available to you than any other, offering more flexibility and fun. All our classes are different and have a mix of exercises based on principles of Pilates posture correction, strength and flexibility.

By choosing a personal Pilates class, your body get more physical conditioning and, consequently, a better willingness to perform daily tasks. Waking up, going out to work and meeting friends will have another motivation! Join us!

Pilates mat workout

Pilates mat workout

Are you looking for a Pilates mat workout? Come visit the Kore Gallery and train in a fun environment with qualified and motivating teachers.

Working since 2018, over the years we have provided many benefits to our clients with mat Pilates workout. That’s because the mat Pilates workout improves flexibility and strengthens the muscles of the entire body, improves alignment and posture, helps with more body awareness, promotes pain relief, improves breathing and sleep quality, and helps fight stress and anxiety.

You might be wondering what the difference is between mat Pilates workout and traditional Pilates. The main difference between the two modalities is the question of the devices. While in Pilates the devices are used (Reformer, for example), in mat Pilates workout only the weight of the body are used.

We focus on creating mat Pilates workout to develop strength, flexibility, muscle tone and postural realignment. Our priority is to help clients develop a strong and balanced body that will prevent injuries on other sports activities (running, cycling, rowing, golfing, boxing, playing tennis, crossfit amongst others). The product is a powerful full-body workout that shapes your body fast, building and toning your muscles and leaving you happy and accomplished.

During our mat Pilates workout, the exercises are performed on the floor and without the use of equipment. However, it is possible to use accessories to make the movements more challenging, such as a ball, bands, weights and rollers.

Join our Pilates classes and find out why people are so obsessed with Kore Gallery workout. In a few sessions, you can achieve great results with our effective workout. You will feel your waist smaller, not just because the weight loss, but through the improvement in your posture and your core muscles strengthening.

You also will develop longer muscles and more flexibility along the way, as you will preventing your body from injuries. The more you learn about mat Pilates workout the fearless and positive you will get and, sooner will be reaping the benefits.

It’s worth saying that we believe in inclusivity that all bodies are beautiful and we all should have access to mat Pilates workout environments that do not promote body shaming neither is hostile.

With the weight of their own body, the mat Pilates practitioners performs exercises capable of making all the muscles work at the same time, toning and stretching them simultaneously.

No matter your fitness level, you can practice mat Pilates workout! Clients at Kore Gallery vary from people that want to improve their posture, increase mobility and strength, to those that compete in triathlons and marathons or practice sports in general. We work with clients privately helping them to rehab their bodies. We also have trained privately celebrities and Victoria’s Secret models for specific professional goals.

Book a mat Pilates workout right now and we are sure that you’ll live our classes feeling energized and stronger. The good news about our Pilates studio is that we offer mat Pilates workout every day, Monday to Sunday. So, come on!

Power house Pilates

Power house Pilates

Have you heard about the power house Pilates? The Power House, also known as the core, refers to a set of muscles located in the abdomen region that are responsible for stabilizing the entire spine. It is where the Pilates movement starts!

Working since 2018, a Kore Gallery has become a reference when it comes to power house Pilates. We are experts in creating power house Pilates focused workouts, so we guarantee a lot of benefits, such as help the practitioner to have a more defined waist and abdomen, improve body balance, prevent injuries and reduce pain, especially in the lower back, offer safety during the exercises by keeping the spine stabilized and protected.

It’s important to say that power house Pilates is a method designed for everybody. So it can be easily adapted for people of any age, gender or physical condition. Pilates has practically no contraindications, as it is a low-impact activity. So, you can already imagine how many benefits the practice offers, isn’t it? Just to give a few examples, it is possible to mention the improvement in flexibility, mobility, physical endurance and muscle control during power house Pilates training.

Pilates method is based on six principles, which are concentration, control, precision, centering, breathing and fluidity. Above all, the principles serve as a guide in carrying out each exercise proposed.

But what is the relationship between principles and power house Pilates? Well, the principles must guide the execution of each movement. In turn, the movement starts precisely with the activation of the power house Pilates.

For example, the Pilates client needs to be fully focused while performing the movements. As the practitioner executes the movement focused on what he is doing, the result will be much more efficient in a shorter time.

In short, the correct activation of the power house Pilates ensures that the practitioner get all the benefits offered by Pilates.

Come visit the Kore Gallery and start practicing power house Pilates. After our classes you will feel stronger and full of energy as you improve your posture and get stronger abs. We are a friendly, kind and human team, that works hard to make you feel valued and get the results you are looking for.

The power house Pilates workout/class is a multi-tasking series of movements for the entire body because required to use multiple muscles to execute multiple tasks at the same time.

Our power house Pilates classes are open to all levels and our clients can varies from first timers to athletes/dancers. The good news about our reformer Pilates studio is that we offer power house Pilates classes every day, Monday to Sunday, and we have more classes available to you than any other gym.

All our classes are different and have a mix of exercises based on principles of Pilates posture correction, strength and flexibility. It is worth saying that the activation of our power house Pilates reflects on people’s quality of life. Come on! Let’s train together!

Best pilates reformer

Best pilates reformer

Looking for the best Pilates reformer? Come visit the Kore Gallery and have access to the best training equipment and accessories so you can achieve the best results in a short time.

Working since 2018, over the years we invested in a complete and high standard infrastructure with essential equipment for the Pilates training, such as the best Pilates reformer.

The best Pilates reformer is a device similar to a bed, used to assist when performing the movements of the Pilates method. When a person practices the exercises on our best Pilates reformer, their body and mind improve in a few aspects such as rehabilitation, fitness and flexibility.

Despite looking like a simple device, the best Pilates reformer has a lot of functions, because it has a complete structure formed by springs, handles and a slider that help during Pilates classes. On the best Pilates reformer, you can perform exercises sitting, kneeling, supported, lying on your front or on your back. Besides, the best Pilates reformer helps to improve posture, flexibility and strength.

Kore Gallery is the first LGBTQIA+ Reformer Pilates Studio located in East London, that focuses on helping people developing a new lifestyle by improving their body awareness, posture and, muscular strength, and it also focuses on body/gender diversity.

We believe everyone should have access to our best Pilates reformer workouts. Pilates exercises has been proven to realign our bodies and prevent injuries, as it involves low impact workouts through natural movements that target specific muscles, benefiting people of all ages and fitness levels. That’s why Kore Gallery has the unique Metalife Reformer made in Brazil!

Our best Pilates reformer helps to gain mobility through the opening of muscular chains, is effective against arthritis and joint problems, optimizes and strengthens the muscular system acting preventively, complements your workout as a pillar of strength and endurance and relieves pain in a few sessions.​

We welcome people at any fitness levels, inspiring and creating a comfortable, fun and friendly environment, and we educate our members and the community at large in the field of health and wellness.

We are committed to train people on the best Pilates reformer in order to keep themselves balancing in their bodies and optimizing mobility, strength, flexibility and wellness. The approach is not “one size fits all” fitness and understanding we all have individual needs and want to get stronger on our weak muscles.

Exercises on the best Pilates reformer ensure greater fitness, helping the clients perform their daily tasks with more health and well-being. But remember, to get the benefits of the best Pilates reformer it is necessary that the movements are performed with the help of an instructor who will help you so that each movement is done correctly.

That’s why the Kore Gallery is formed by a team of quality and experienced professionals that understands the needs of each client and create a unique workout using the best Pilates reformer.

Our teachers are constantly updating techniques to bring new movements during the exercises. Come on! Our teacher will look after your body, avoid injuries and increase energy levels with a great soundtrack!